AVC - Asian Valuation Consultants Company Limited

AVC - Asian Valuation Consultants Company Limited

Asian Valuation Consultants Company Ltd is an independent Company, working closely with AVC Ltd in London who specialise in the valuation of plant, machinery and buildings including power, mining, metals processing, pulp & paper, cement, food & beverage, electronics, pharmaceuticals, corporate headquarters, hotels and heavy and light manufacturing industries. We will be working in conjunction with AVC Ltd who are recognised worldwide as one of the leading experts in providing Valuation services across many industries.

At AVC Ltd, They've taken a lot of time identifying precisely what you, as Clients, expect from a firm of Independent Valuers and Surveyors. We know that you need a Client-focused service where the Valuation Team from the Director downwards are working with you. We know that you want easy access to the expertise available, giving you clear opinions through a comprehensive understanding of your business. And of course, value for money.

At AVC Ltd we can deliver exactly that.

If you wish to contact us, please email us at valuations@asianvaluationconsultants.com


Asian Valuation Consultants Company Limited
Room 2B Kijsiri Building
1054/14 New Petchaburi Road
Makkasan Ratchatewee
Bangkok, Thailand 10400
Phone: + 662 655 6731 - 2
Fax: +662 655 6731 #16

Webdesign and construction: vagner.co.uk